Rookie 5/6 is our introductory,
coaches pitch level. The focus of this age group is instructional. We want all kids to learn fundamentals, develop skills, have fun!
Kids ages 5-6 will be taught
basic fundamentals of baseball (throwing, hitting, fielding, base running) and will play a schedule of approximately 12 games.
There are no strikeouts or walks. Coaches are instructed to give each batter 6 pitches. If batter doesn't put the ball in play after 6 pitches, coaches will either let batter hit off a tee or give batter soft toss pitches to put the ball in play.
The games are scheduled to take approximately 1 hour with a 3 inning game where each player gets to bat one time each inning and all players will be on the field while playing defense.
On our closing day we typically bring all the teams together and facilitate a skills competition with the kids (ex. base running, home run derby, and throwing competition with prizes for skill competition winners) as a fun way to celebrate the end of the season.